
  • Based on market data and
    qualitative experience values we determine the potential for your products. 
  • Together we work out the price calculation, orientate ourselves on the market and set the RRP.
  • An investment calculation as part of the business case enables you to consider any investment activities. 
  • We define test markets together and use them for a first, quickly available feedback from the market. 
  • A holistic strategic distribution planning encompasses all components and serves as a success-oriented framework.


  • We take over your products as soon as they are ready for export. 

  • We take care of all the logistics to and in your desired markets. 

  • We take care of the customs administration and bear the costs for import into the markets of your choice. 

  • In our joint assignment we check the marketability of your products. 

  • For the first phase to the desired sales volume we take care of the labeling.


  • No worries, you will control all marketing activities at all times thanks to a strategic marketing plan. 

  • Activities and investments are discussed and implemented together. 

  • The mix of our push marketing and your pull marketing skills enable your brand to be successfully established. 

  • We take care of POS marketing activities, product range listings and the use of price instruments.